How to not forget my phone in bathroom?


Many times I go to the bathroom only for a quick pee, while in the middle of something, hence mind is occupied, and I don't pay much attention.

I take the phone out of the pocket and place it somewhere else as result of once having it fall into the toilet water. (While taking pants down and it was in the pocket)

So, the end result is that many times (about once a week), I forget the phone in the bathroom, and notice this only long minutes later. So far nothing bad happened, but I'm afraid one day someone might take the phone while it's there.

Are there any tricks to help me remember to take the phone when I'm done?

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  • 3

    Not a reply (the best answer is IMO to get working pockets), but an alternative: Any kind of bluetooth gadget that warns you on disconnect. Bluetooth earpiece, earphone, fitness bands, whatever. They usually beep, vibrate if you disconnect. You go too far from your phone (ie.: it's not with you), it will notice you.

    – Shiki
    3 hours ago

  • @Shiki nice idea, actually worth an answer of its own IMO.

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago


Many times I go to the bathroom only for a quick pee, while in the middle of something, hence mind is occupied, and I don't pay much attention.

I take the phone out of the pocket and place it somewhere else as result of once having it fall into the toilet water. (While taking pants down and it was in the pocket)

So, the end result is that many times (about once a week), I forget the phone in the bathroom, and notice this only long minutes later. So far nothing bad happened, but I'm afraid one day someone might take the phone while it's there.

Are there any tricks to help me remember to take the phone when I'm done?

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  • 3

    Not a reply (the best answer is IMO to get working pockets), but an alternative: Any kind of bluetooth gadget that warns you on disconnect. Bluetooth earpiece, earphone, fitness bands, whatever. They usually beep, vibrate if you disconnect. You go too far from your phone (ie.: it's not with you), it will notice you.

    – Shiki
    3 hours ago

  • @Shiki nice idea, actually worth an answer of its own IMO.

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago




Many times I go to the bathroom only for a quick pee, while in the middle of something, hence mind is occupied, and I don't pay much attention.

I take the phone out of the pocket and place it somewhere else as result of once having it fall into the toilet water. (While taking pants down and it was in the pocket)

So, the end result is that many times (about once a week), I forget the phone in the bathroom, and notice this only long minutes later. So far nothing bad happened, but I'm afraid one day someone might take the phone while it's there.

Are there any tricks to help me remember to take the phone when I'm done?

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Many times I go to the bathroom only for a quick pee, while in the middle of something, hence mind is occupied, and I don't pay much attention.

I take the phone out of the pocket and place it somewhere else as result of once having it fall into the toilet water. (While taking pants down and it was in the pocket)

So, the end result is that many times (about once a week), I forget the phone in the bathroom, and notice this only long minutes later. So far nothing bad happened, but I'm afraid one day someone might take the phone while it's there.

Are there any tricks to help me remember to take the phone when I'm done?

bathroom phone

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asked 11 hours ago

Shadow WizardShadow Wizard



  • 3

    Not a reply (the best answer is IMO to get working pockets), but an alternative: Any kind of bluetooth gadget that warns you on disconnect. Bluetooth earpiece, earphone, fitness bands, whatever. They usually beep, vibrate if you disconnect. You go too far from your phone (ie.: it's not with you), it will notice you.

    – Shiki
    3 hours ago

  • @Shiki nice idea, actually worth an answer of its own IMO.

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago

  • 3

    Not a reply (the best answer is IMO to get working pockets), but an alternative: Any kind of bluetooth gadget that warns you on disconnect. Bluetooth earpiece, earphone, fitness bands, whatever. They usually beep, vibrate if you disconnect. You go too far from your phone (ie.: it's not with you), it will notice you.

    – Shiki
    3 hours ago

  • @Shiki nice idea, actually worth an answer of its own IMO.

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago



Not a reply (the best answer is IMO to get working pockets), but an alternative: Any kind of bluetooth gadget that warns you on disconnect. Bluetooth earpiece, earphone, fitness bands, whatever. They usually beep, vibrate if you disconnect. You go too far from your phone (ie.: it's not with you), it will notice you.

– Shiki
3 hours ago

Not a reply (the best answer is IMO to get working pockets), but an alternative: Any kind of bluetooth gadget that warns you on disconnect. Bluetooth earpiece, earphone, fitness bands, whatever. They usually beep, vibrate if you disconnect. You go too far from your phone (ie.: it's not with you), it will notice you.

– Shiki
3 hours ago

@Shiki nice idea, actually worth an answer of its own IMO.

– Shadow Wizard
3 hours ago

@Shiki nice idea, actually worth an answer of its own IMO.

– Shadow Wizard
3 hours ago

8 Answers





If I'm sitting down to pee, I put the phone inside my pants. Perhaps crude for some people, but I don't forget it and i can use it without dropping it, too.

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JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • Well, when I'm in a hurry I don't have time to sit down, so less relevant. When I sit down I always hold the phone in my hand until I'm done, so I don't forget it. Problem is only when I pee standing up, and phone is away.

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago

  • 1

    @ShadowWizard No pockets?

    – Luris
    9 hours ago

  • @Luris I have pockets, but like I said in the question, it once fell from the pocket into the water and ever since I never leave it inside the pocket, it became an instinct. :)

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago

  • 8

    Yeah, I'm starting to get the feeling that the solution could be better pockets, your phone really shouldn't be falling out of them. I wear skinny work trousers and have never had a problem of my phone even jutting out of them. Do you not have back pockets?

    – JTPenguin
    9 hours ago

  • Sorry, I should have been clearer, I meant while you're standing up. "Butt pockets" should be far enough for the phone not to fall in the water.

    – Luris
    9 hours ago


Place the phone somewhere where you literally have to stumble over it on your way out.

One such place is the door handle of the cubicle / toilet. If there's an old-fashioned handle there, you can carefully lay the phone on top. Now it's impossible to forget your phone.

But not all toilets are build that way. You can:

  • Lay the phone on top of the toilet paper dispenser (if it has a horizontal top)

  • Lay the phone on the floor right in front of the door (if the floor is clean). If you have a booklet-style phone case, you can stand it up like an open book to minimize the area that comes into contact with the floor.

  • Balance the phone on the top of your shoe or put it in your shoe like an ankle knife.

  • Just hold it in your non-dominant hand

share|improve this answer

  • Interesting suggestions. I do place it on the toilet paper dispenser, and forget it's there when done. Floor is usually wet (not from water) or just not clean, so not an option either. Placing it inside the shoe sounds like the best option, will give it a try, thanks! Next question here is going to be "How to remove sock smell from my phone?".... ;-) (but hey, better have a smelly phone than no phone at all...)

    – Shadow Wizard
    11 hours ago

  • 3

    @ShadowWizard Well, my next best suggestion is to keep some brain cells dedicated to remembering your phone ;-)

    – Elmy
    10 hours ago

  • Hehe, that would be really awesome. :P

    – Shadow Wizard
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    Excuse me, but how do you literally stumble over something that's on a door handle? And even if we assume figurative stumbling, this is a great way to develop a nasty crack across the the entire screen. Unless you have a fluffy bathroom floor, which is totally not recommended...

    – John Dvorak
    8 hours ago


Remind you with the phone itself in your way

Get a small loop, strap, or lanyard which can attach to your phone or otherwise hold it (such as in a small bag). When you enter the stall, hang or clip the phone/bag onto the lock, handle, or knob that you must use to exit.

  1. Forget phone.

  2. Exit restroom.

  3. Whoa, what's that thing on the door handle? Oh yeah, my phone.

  4. Leave with phone, not without.

Attach the phone to you securely

Alternately, get such a loop, strap, or lanyard, that can clip onto your pants or belt loop or attach to your wrist. Attach it before you sit down, either holding the phone to the side of your pants or in your pants pocket or in your hand, as convenient per attachment location.

Remind you with something else in your way

Alternately alternately, tie a string from your pants to the door handle or put any object in your way that would prevent you from leaving: a string hanging down across your path or any object at all hanging from the knob/latch.

I do this when I need to get gas in the car, but I can't do it right that moment: I place some random object behind my steering wheel, in front of my speedometer and other dials, such as an empty soda can. Anything that will make me go "what the heck is that doing there?" and suddenly remember... oh yeah, get gas. Whew, I'm so glad I remembered!

Get a bluetooth device that alerts when your phone leaves your presence

I don't have time to really research this to give you a solid recommendation, but many of the bluetooth fob-style devices that are intended to alert you when you left your wallet or keys behind, can also alert you (through the device itself making a tone) when your phone goes away from you. Check out bluetooth tracking devices for an introduction to these kind of devices. I don't know if any on that page actually support this use case, but you can search for some.

I have heard that they can be a little unreliable and make an alert when they shouldn't, or that they can have an unacceptable lag, but perhaps you can find a good one that fits your use case or you can live with any down sides because of the up side of not leaving your phone behind for very long or getting very far.

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  • Similar lanyard idea: attach your phone to your wrist. Then you can check it, without any chance of it falling into the toilet or onto the not-very-clean floor.

    – BrettFromLA
    4 hours ago

  • @BrettFromLA Added to my answer.

    – ErikE
    4 hours ago

  • Interesting suggestions, though most require putting extra time which I just don't have when going to those quick pee sessions. I'm bad at clips and strips, always mess around with them.

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago

  • @ShadowWizard I've added another option for you to consider.

    – ErikE
    3 hours ago


Would it work to take your phone out of your pocket before you even walk to the bathroom? For example, if you are at a desk or table, put your phone on the desk or table and then walk over to the bathroom. It will be where you left it when you return (provided someone else hasn't swiped it; I'm not sure if this is an issue at home or in school / work).

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  • Issue is only at work, and since the office has a door that can auto-lock when closed, I always take the phone in case the door get locked and I'm without keys.

    – Shadow Wizard
    10 hours ago

  • @ShadowWizard You can remember to take your phone with you but not your keys?

    – JAB
    6 hours ago

  • @JAB keys are cumbersome, lots of them together, very uncomfortable in pocket, and I leave only for couple of minutes, so I don't take them on purpose when there's someone in office. So in case I'm locked out, I can call someone inside to come and open. :)

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago

  • 1

    @ShadowWizard Get a belt or external holder for your keys! Very useful unless the keys are sensitive enough to actually worry about someone taking them while inside wherever you work. You still have to deal with the noise they make, though. :(

    – JAB
    3 hours ago


I keep my phone in my front pocket, and don't remove it in the bathroom. Even when I sit. In this position it does not have a danger of falling into the toilet, nor will I forget it when I leave.

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Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • Tried it several times but the phone is too big for the front pocket, so it's not comfortable.

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago

  • My phone has only a 5.5" display, so this isn't a big problem for me.

    – Michael Hampton
    7 hours ago

  • 4

    Transfer it to your front pocket just before you pull your pants down. You don't have to keep it there all the time.

    – chepner
    7 hours ago

  • @chepner that's an interesting idea. Thanks!

    – Shadow Wizard
    6 hours ago


When traveling, such as on a plane or train, I take my phone with me in case I have to wait for the bathroom. When I go into the bathroom I tuck the phone into my bra strap.

Oh, you're not wearing a bra? Well perhaps you have a shirt pocket. Or you can put it under your arm if you're using both hands for whatever you're doing. Or hold it in one hand and only use the other hand. If you're sitting down and planning to do a lot of leaning and twisting, put the phone in your sock. Lots of options.

Don't put it down on any surface in the bathroom. Germs aside, you can forget it, as you mentioned in the question.

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    I almost always have a shirt pocket to slip my phone in whilst visiting the loo. Alternatively, I just slip it into my pants pocket before I get up.

    If you just get into the habit of putting your phone in your purse, pocket, or wherever you took it from right before you begin the paperwork then won't have to worry about leaving it behind.

    share|improve this answer

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    TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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    • No shirt pockets for me, usually so less relevant.

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago


    Piss on the phone. The mild electric shock will remind you to pick up. Apparently Bruce Springsteen does this as he suffers from the same mental block

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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    • 1

      Hi Derek, and welcome on Stackexchange! Here we expect users to make serious answers. As such, this answer is likely to get removed. Please take the Tour to get a better idea about how this site works.

      – Neinstein
      3 hours ago

    • Actually more than once pee found its way to the phone, and there was no electric shock. So, this answer is wrong.

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

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    8 Answers




    8 Answers











    If I'm sitting down to pee, I put the phone inside my pants. Perhaps crude for some people, but I don't forget it and i can use it without dropping it, too.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Well, when I'm in a hurry I don't have time to sit down, so less relevant. When I sit down I always hold the phone in my hand until I'm done, so I don't forget it. Problem is only when I pee standing up, and phone is away.

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • 1

      @ShadowWizard No pockets?

      – Luris
      9 hours ago

    • @Luris I have pockets, but like I said in the question, it once fell from the pocket into the water and ever since I never leave it inside the pocket, it became an instinct. :)

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • 8

      Yeah, I'm starting to get the feeling that the solution could be better pockets, your phone really shouldn't be falling out of them. I wear skinny work trousers and have never had a problem of my phone even jutting out of them. Do you not have back pockets?

      – JTPenguin
      9 hours ago

    • Sorry, I should have been clearer, I meant while you're standing up. "Butt pockets" should be far enough for the phone not to fall in the water.

      – Luris
      9 hours ago


    If I'm sitting down to pee, I put the phone inside my pants. Perhaps crude for some people, but I don't forget it and i can use it without dropping it, too.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Well, when I'm in a hurry I don't have time to sit down, so less relevant. When I sit down I always hold the phone in my hand until I'm done, so I don't forget it. Problem is only when I pee standing up, and phone is away.

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • 1

      @ShadowWizard No pockets?

      – Luris
      9 hours ago

    • @Luris I have pockets, but like I said in the question, it once fell from the pocket into the water and ever since I never leave it inside the pocket, it became an instinct. :)

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • 8

      Yeah, I'm starting to get the feeling that the solution could be better pockets, your phone really shouldn't be falling out of them. I wear skinny work trousers and have never had a problem of my phone even jutting out of them. Do you not have back pockets?

      – JTPenguin
      9 hours ago

    • Sorry, I should have been clearer, I meant while you're standing up. "Butt pockets" should be far enough for the phone not to fall in the water.

      – Luris
      9 hours ago




    If I'm sitting down to pee, I put the phone inside my pants. Perhaps crude for some people, but I don't forget it and i can use it without dropping it, too.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    If I'm sitting down to pee, I put the phone inside my pants. Perhaps crude for some people, but I don't forget it and i can use it without dropping it, too.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    answered 9 hours ago




    New contributor

    JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    New contributor

    JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    JTPenguin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Well, when I'm in a hurry I don't have time to sit down, so less relevant. When I sit down I always hold the phone in my hand until I'm done, so I don't forget it. Problem is only when I pee standing up, and phone is away.

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • 1

      @ShadowWizard No pockets?

      – Luris
      9 hours ago

    • @Luris I have pockets, but like I said in the question, it once fell from the pocket into the water and ever since I never leave it inside the pocket, it became an instinct. :)

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • 8

      Yeah, I'm starting to get the feeling that the solution could be better pockets, your phone really shouldn't be falling out of them. I wear skinny work trousers and have never had a problem of my phone even jutting out of them. Do you not have back pockets?

      – JTPenguin
      9 hours ago

    • Sorry, I should have been clearer, I meant while you're standing up. "Butt pockets" should be far enough for the phone not to fall in the water.

      – Luris
      9 hours ago

    • Well, when I'm in a hurry I don't have time to sit down, so less relevant. When I sit down I always hold the phone in my hand until I'm done, so I don't forget it. Problem is only when I pee standing up, and phone is away.

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • 1

      @ShadowWizard No pockets?

      – Luris
      9 hours ago

    • @Luris I have pockets, but like I said in the question, it once fell from the pocket into the water and ever since I never leave it inside the pocket, it became an instinct. :)

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • 8

      Yeah, I'm starting to get the feeling that the solution could be better pockets, your phone really shouldn't be falling out of them. I wear skinny work trousers and have never had a problem of my phone even jutting out of them. Do you not have back pockets?

      – JTPenguin
      9 hours ago

    • Sorry, I should have been clearer, I meant while you're standing up. "Butt pockets" should be far enough for the phone not to fall in the water.

      – Luris
      9 hours ago

    Well, when I'm in a hurry I don't have time to sit down, so less relevant. When I sit down I always hold the phone in my hand until I'm done, so I don't forget it. Problem is only when I pee standing up, and phone is away.

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago

    Well, when I'm in a hurry I don't have time to sit down, so less relevant. When I sit down I always hold the phone in my hand until I'm done, so I don't forget it. Problem is only when I pee standing up, and phone is away.

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago



    @ShadowWizard No pockets?

    – Luris
    9 hours ago

    @ShadowWizard No pockets?

    – Luris
    9 hours ago

    @Luris I have pockets, but like I said in the question, it once fell from the pocket into the water and ever since I never leave it inside the pocket, it became an instinct. :)

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago

    @Luris I have pockets, but like I said in the question, it once fell from the pocket into the water and ever since I never leave it inside the pocket, it became an instinct. :)

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago



    Yeah, I'm starting to get the feeling that the solution could be better pockets, your phone really shouldn't be falling out of them. I wear skinny work trousers and have never had a problem of my phone even jutting out of them. Do you not have back pockets?

    – JTPenguin
    9 hours ago

    Yeah, I'm starting to get the feeling that the solution could be better pockets, your phone really shouldn't be falling out of them. I wear skinny work trousers and have never had a problem of my phone even jutting out of them. Do you not have back pockets?

    – JTPenguin
    9 hours ago

    Sorry, I should have been clearer, I meant while you're standing up. "Butt pockets" should be far enough for the phone not to fall in the water.

    – Luris
    9 hours ago

    Sorry, I should have been clearer, I meant while you're standing up. "Butt pockets" should be far enough for the phone not to fall in the water.

    – Luris
    9 hours ago


    Place the phone somewhere where you literally have to stumble over it on your way out.

    One such place is the door handle of the cubicle / toilet. If there's an old-fashioned handle there, you can carefully lay the phone on top. Now it's impossible to forget your phone.

    But not all toilets are build that way. You can:

    • Lay the phone on top of the toilet paper dispenser (if it has a horizontal top)

    • Lay the phone on the floor right in front of the door (if the floor is clean). If you have a booklet-style phone case, you can stand it up like an open book to minimize the area that comes into contact with the floor.

    • Balance the phone on the top of your shoe or put it in your shoe like an ankle knife.

    • Just hold it in your non-dominant hand

    share|improve this answer

    • Interesting suggestions. I do place it on the toilet paper dispenser, and forget it's there when done. Floor is usually wet (not from water) or just not clean, so not an option either. Placing it inside the shoe sounds like the best option, will give it a try, thanks! Next question here is going to be "How to remove sock smell from my phone?".... ;-) (but hey, better have a smelly phone than no phone at all...)

      – Shadow Wizard
      11 hours ago

    • 3

      @ShadowWizard Well, my next best suggestion is to keep some brain cells dedicated to remembering your phone ;-)

      – Elmy
      10 hours ago

    • Hehe, that would be really awesome. :P

      – Shadow Wizard
      10 hours ago

    • 1

      Excuse me, but how do you literally stumble over something that's on a door handle? And even if we assume figurative stumbling, this is a great way to develop a nasty crack across the the entire screen. Unless you have a fluffy bathroom floor, which is totally not recommended...

      – John Dvorak
      8 hours ago


    Place the phone somewhere where you literally have to stumble over it on your way out.

    One such place is the door handle of the cubicle / toilet. If there's an old-fashioned handle there, you can carefully lay the phone on top. Now it's impossible to forget your phone.

    But not all toilets are build that way. You can:

    • Lay the phone on top of the toilet paper dispenser (if it has a horizontal top)

    • Lay the phone on the floor right in front of the door (if the floor is clean). If you have a booklet-style phone case, you can stand it up like an open book to minimize the area that comes into contact with the floor.

    • Balance the phone on the top of your shoe or put it in your shoe like an ankle knife.

    • Just hold it in your non-dominant hand

    share|improve this answer

    • Interesting suggestions. I do place it on the toilet paper dispenser, and forget it's there when done. Floor is usually wet (not from water) or just not clean, so not an option either. Placing it inside the shoe sounds like the best option, will give it a try, thanks! Next question here is going to be "How to remove sock smell from my phone?".... ;-) (but hey, better have a smelly phone than no phone at all...)

      – Shadow Wizard
      11 hours ago

    • 3

      @ShadowWizard Well, my next best suggestion is to keep some brain cells dedicated to remembering your phone ;-)

      – Elmy
      10 hours ago

    • Hehe, that would be really awesome. :P

      – Shadow Wizard
      10 hours ago

    • 1

      Excuse me, but how do you literally stumble over something that's on a door handle? And even if we assume figurative stumbling, this is a great way to develop a nasty crack across the the entire screen. Unless you have a fluffy bathroom floor, which is totally not recommended...

      – John Dvorak
      8 hours ago




    Place the phone somewhere where you literally have to stumble over it on your way out.

    One such place is the door handle of the cubicle / toilet. If there's an old-fashioned handle there, you can carefully lay the phone on top. Now it's impossible to forget your phone.

    But not all toilets are build that way. You can:

    • Lay the phone on top of the toilet paper dispenser (if it has a horizontal top)

    • Lay the phone on the floor right in front of the door (if the floor is clean). If you have a booklet-style phone case, you can stand it up like an open book to minimize the area that comes into contact with the floor.

    • Balance the phone on the top of your shoe or put it in your shoe like an ankle knife.

    • Just hold it in your non-dominant hand

    share|improve this answer

    Place the phone somewhere where you literally have to stumble over it on your way out.

    One such place is the door handle of the cubicle / toilet. If there's an old-fashioned handle there, you can carefully lay the phone on top. Now it's impossible to forget your phone.

    But not all toilets are build that way. You can:

    • Lay the phone on top of the toilet paper dispenser (if it has a horizontal top)

    • Lay the phone on the floor right in front of the door (if the floor is clean). If you have a booklet-style phone case, you can stand it up like an open book to minimize the area that comes into contact with the floor.

    • Balance the phone on the top of your shoe or put it in your shoe like an ankle knife.

    • Just hold it in your non-dominant hand

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered 11 hours ago




    • Interesting suggestions. I do place it on the toilet paper dispenser, and forget it's there when done. Floor is usually wet (not from water) or just not clean, so not an option either. Placing it inside the shoe sounds like the best option, will give it a try, thanks! Next question here is going to be "How to remove sock smell from my phone?".... ;-) (but hey, better have a smelly phone than no phone at all...)

      – Shadow Wizard
      11 hours ago

    • 3

      @ShadowWizard Well, my next best suggestion is to keep some brain cells dedicated to remembering your phone ;-)

      – Elmy
      10 hours ago

    • Hehe, that would be really awesome. :P

      – Shadow Wizard
      10 hours ago

    • 1

      Excuse me, but how do you literally stumble over something that's on a door handle? And even if we assume figurative stumbling, this is a great way to develop a nasty crack across the the entire screen. Unless you have a fluffy bathroom floor, which is totally not recommended...

      – John Dvorak
      8 hours ago

    • Interesting suggestions. I do place it on the toilet paper dispenser, and forget it's there when done. Floor is usually wet (not from water) or just not clean, so not an option either. Placing it inside the shoe sounds like the best option, will give it a try, thanks! Next question here is going to be "How to remove sock smell from my phone?".... ;-) (but hey, better have a smelly phone than no phone at all...)

      – Shadow Wizard
      11 hours ago

    • 3

      @ShadowWizard Well, my next best suggestion is to keep some brain cells dedicated to remembering your phone ;-)

      – Elmy
      10 hours ago

    • Hehe, that would be really awesome. :P

      – Shadow Wizard
      10 hours ago

    • 1

      Excuse me, but how do you literally stumble over something that's on a door handle? And even if we assume figurative stumbling, this is a great way to develop a nasty crack across the the entire screen. Unless you have a fluffy bathroom floor, which is totally not recommended...

      – John Dvorak
      8 hours ago

    Interesting suggestions. I do place it on the toilet paper dispenser, and forget it's there when done. Floor is usually wet (not from water) or just not clean, so not an option either. Placing it inside the shoe sounds like the best option, will give it a try, thanks! Next question here is going to be "How to remove sock smell from my phone?".... ;-) (but hey, better have a smelly phone than no phone at all...)

    – Shadow Wizard
    11 hours ago

    Interesting suggestions. I do place it on the toilet paper dispenser, and forget it's there when done. Floor is usually wet (not from water) or just not clean, so not an option either. Placing it inside the shoe sounds like the best option, will give it a try, thanks! Next question here is going to be "How to remove sock smell from my phone?".... ;-) (but hey, better have a smelly phone than no phone at all...)

    – Shadow Wizard
    11 hours ago



    @ShadowWizard Well, my next best suggestion is to keep some brain cells dedicated to remembering your phone ;-)

    – Elmy
    10 hours ago

    @ShadowWizard Well, my next best suggestion is to keep some brain cells dedicated to remembering your phone ;-)

    – Elmy
    10 hours ago

    Hehe, that would be really awesome. :P

    – Shadow Wizard
    10 hours ago

    Hehe, that would be really awesome. :P

    – Shadow Wizard
    10 hours ago



    Excuse me, but how do you literally stumble over something that's on a door handle? And even if we assume figurative stumbling, this is a great way to develop a nasty crack across the the entire screen. Unless you have a fluffy bathroom floor, which is totally not recommended...

    – John Dvorak
    8 hours ago

    Excuse me, but how do you literally stumble over something that's on a door handle? And even if we assume figurative stumbling, this is a great way to develop a nasty crack across the the entire screen. Unless you have a fluffy bathroom floor, which is totally not recommended...

    – John Dvorak
    8 hours ago


    Remind you with the phone itself in your way

    Get a small loop, strap, or lanyard which can attach to your phone or otherwise hold it (such as in a small bag). When you enter the stall, hang or clip the phone/bag onto the lock, handle, or knob that you must use to exit.

    1. Forget phone.

    2. Exit restroom.

    3. Whoa, what's that thing on the door handle? Oh yeah, my phone.

    4. Leave with phone, not without.

    Attach the phone to you securely

    Alternately, get such a loop, strap, or lanyard, that can clip onto your pants or belt loop or attach to your wrist. Attach it before you sit down, either holding the phone to the side of your pants or in your pants pocket or in your hand, as convenient per attachment location.

    Remind you with something else in your way

    Alternately alternately, tie a string from your pants to the door handle or put any object in your way that would prevent you from leaving: a string hanging down across your path or any object at all hanging from the knob/latch.

    I do this when I need to get gas in the car, but I can't do it right that moment: I place some random object behind my steering wheel, in front of my speedometer and other dials, such as an empty soda can. Anything that will make me go "what the heck is that doing there?" and suddenly remember... oh yeah, get gas. Whew, I'm so glad I remembered!

    Get a bluetooth device that alerts when your phone leaves your presence

    I don't have time to really research this to give you a solid recommendation, but many of the bluetooth fob-style devices that are intended to alert you when you left your wallet or keys behind, can also alert you (through the device itself making a tone) when your phone goes away from you. Check out bluetooth tracking devices for an introduction to these kind of devices. I don't know if any on that page actually support this use case, but you can search for some.

    I have heard that they can be a little unreliable and make an alert when they shouldn't, or that they can have an unacceptable lag, but perhaps you can find a good one that fits your use case or you can live with any down sides because of the up side of not leaving your phone behind for very long or getting very far.

    share|improve this answer

    • Similar lanyard idea: attach your phone to your wrist. Then you can check it, without any chance of it falling into the toilet or onto the not-very-clean floor.

      – BrettFromLA
      4 hours ago

    • @BrettFromLA Added to my answer.

      – ErikE
      4 hours ago

    • Interesting suggestions, though most require putting extra time which I just don't have when going to those quick pee sessions. I'm bad at clips and strips, always mess around with them.

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

    • @ShadowWizard I've added another option for you to consider.

      – ErikE
      3 hours ago


    Remind you with the phone itself in your way

    Get a small loop, strap, or lanyard which can attach to your phone or otherwise hold it (such as in a small bag). When you enter the stall, hang or clip the phone/bag onto the lock, handle, or knob that you must use to exit.

    1. Forget phone.

    2. Exit restroom.

    3. Whoa, what's that thing on the door handle? Oh yeah, my phone.

    4. Leave with phone, not without.

    Attach the phone to you securely

    Alternately, get such a loop, strap, or lanyard, that can clip onto your pants or belt loop or attach to your wrist. Attach it before you sit down, either holding the phone to the side of your pants or in your pants pocket or in your hand, as convenient per attachment location.

    Remind you with something else in your way

    Alternately alternately, tie a string from your pants to the door handle or put any object in your way that would prevent you from leaving: a string hanging down across your path or any object at all hanging from the knob/latch.

    I do this when I need to get gas in the car, but I can't do it right that moment: I place some random object behind my steering wheel, in front of my speedometer and other dials, such as an empty soda can. Anything that will make me go "what the heck is that doing there?" and suddenly remember... oh yeah, get gas. Whew, I'm so glad I remembered!

    Get a bluetooth device that alerts when your phone leaves your presence

    I don't have time to really research this to give you a solid recommendation, but many of the bluetooth fob-style devices that are intended to alert you when you left your wallet or keys behind, can also alert you (through the device itself making a tone) when your phone goes away from you. Check out bluetooth tracking devices for an introduction to these kind of devices. I don't know if any on that page actually support this use case, but you can search for some.

    I have heard that they can be a little unreliable and make an alert when they shouldn't, or that they can have an unacceptable lag, but perhaps you can find a good one that fits your use case or you can live with any down sides because of the up side of not leaving your phone behind for very long or getting very far.

    share|improve this answer

    • Similar lanyard idea: attach your phone to your wrist. Then you can check it, without any chance of it falling into the toilet or onto the not-very-clean floor.

      – BrettFromLA
      4 hours ago

    • @BrettFromLA Added to my answer.

      – ErikE
      4 hours ago

    • Interesting suggestions, though most require putting extra time which I just don't have when going to those quick pee sessions. I'm bad at clips and strips, always mess around with them.

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

    • @ShadowWizard I've added another option for you to consider.

      – ErikE
      3 hours ago




    Remind you with the phone itself in your way

    Get a small loop, strap, or lanyard which can attach to your phone or otherwise hold it (such as in a small bag). When you enter the stall, hang or clip the phone/bag onto the lock, handle, or knob that you must use to exit.

    1. Forget phone.

    2. Exit restroom.

    3. Whoa, what's that thing on the door handle? Oh yeah, my phone.

    4. Leave with phone, not without.

    Attach the phone to you securely

    Alternately, get such a loop, strap, or lanyard, that can clip onto your pants or belt loop or attach to your wrist. Attach it before you sit down, either holding the phone to the side of your pants or in your pants pocket or in your hand, as convenient per attachment location.

    Remind you with something else in your way

    Alternately alternately, tie a string from your pants to the door handle or put any object in your way that would prevent you from leaving: a string hanging down across your path or any object at all hanging from the knob/latch.

    I do this when I need to get gas in the car, but I can't do it right that moment: I place some random object behind my steering wheel, in front of my speedometer and other dials, such as an empty soda can. Anything that will make me go "what the heck is that doing there?" and suddenly remember... oh yeah, get gas. Whew, I'm so glad I remembered!

    Get a bluetooth device that alerts when your phone leaves your presence

    I don't have time to really research this to give you a solid recommendation, but many of the bluetooth fob-style devices that are intended to alert you when you left your wallet or keys behind, can also alert you (through the device itself making a tone) when your phone goes away from you. Check out bluetooth tracking devices for an introduction to these kind of devices. I don't know if any on that page actually support this use case, but you can search for some.

    I have heard that they can be a little unreliable and make an alert when they shouldn't, or that they can have an unacceptable lag, but perhaps you can find a good one that fits your use case or you can live with any down sides because of the up side of not leaving your phone behind for very long or getting very far.

    share|improve this answer

    Remind you with the phone itself in your way

    Get a small loop, strap, or lanyard which can attach to your phone or otherwise hold it (such as in a small bag). When you enter the stall, hang or clip the phone/bag onto the lock, handle, or knob that you must use to exit.

    1. Forget phone.

    2. Exit restroom.

    3. Whoa, what's that thing on the door handle? Oh yeah, my phone.

    4. Leave with phone, not without.

    Attach the phone to you securely

    Alternately, get such a loop, strap, or lanyard, that can clip onto your pants or belt loop or attach to your wrist. Attach it before you sit down, either holding the phone to the side of your pants or in your pants pocket or in your hand, as convenient per attachment location.

    Remind you with something else in your way

    Alternately alternately, tie a string from your pants to the door handle or put any object in your way that would prevent you from leaving: a string hanging down across your path or any object at all hanging from the knob/latch.

    I do this when I need to get gas in the car, but I can't do it right that moment: I place some random object behind my steering wheel, in front of my speedometer and other dials, such as an empty soda can. Anything that will make me go "what the heck is that doing there?" and suddenly remember... oh yeah, get gas. Whew, I'm so glad I remembered!

    Get a bluetooth device that alerts when your phone leaves your presence

    I don't have time to really research this to give you a solid recommendation, but many of the bluetooth fob-style devices that are intended to alert you when you left your wallet or keys behind, can also alert you (through the device itself making a tone) when your phone goes away from you. Check out bluetooth tracking devices for an introduction to these kind of devices. I don't know if any on that page actually support this use case, but you can search for some.

    I have heard that they can be a little unreliable and make an alert when they shouldn't, or that they can have an unacceptable lag, but perhaps you can find a good one that fits your use case or you can live with any down sides because of the up side of not leaving your phone behind for very long or getting very far.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited 3 hours ago

    answered 5 hours ago




    • Similar lanyard idea: attach your phone to your wrist. Then you can check it, without any chance of it falling into the toilet or onto the not-very-clean floor.

      – BrettFromLA
      4 hours ago

    • @BrettFromLA Added to my answer.

      – ErikE
      4 hours ago

    • Interesting suggestions, though most require putting extra time which I just don't have when going to those quick pee sessions. I'm bad at clips and strips, always mess around with them.

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

    • @ShadowWizard I've added another option for you to consider.

      – ErikE
      3 hours ago

    • Similar lanyard idea: attach your phone to your wrist. Then you can check it, without any chance of it falling into the toilet or onto the not-very-clean floor.

      – BrettFromLA
      4 hours ago

    • @BrettFromLA Added to my answer.

      – ErikE
      4 hours ago

    • Interesting suggestions, though most require putting extra time which I just don't have when going to those quick pee sessions. I'm bad at clips and strips, always mess around with them.

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

    • @ShadowWizard I've added another option for you to consider.

      – ErikE
      3 hours ago

    Similar lanyard idea: attach your phone to your wrist. Then you can check it, without any chance of it falling into the toilet or onto the not-very-clean floor.

    – BrettFromLA
    4 hours ago

    Similar lanyard idea: attach your phone to your wrist. Then you can check it, without any chance of it falling into the toilet or onto the not-very-clean floor.

    – BrettFromLA
    4 hours ago

    @BrettFromLA Added to my answer.

    – ErikE
    4 hours ago

    @BrettFromLA Added to my answer.

    – ErikE
    4 hours ago

    Interesting suggestions, though most require putting extra time which I just don't have when going to those quick pee sessions. I'm bad at clips and strips, always mess around with them.

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago

    Interesting suggestions, though most require putting extra time which I just don't have when going to those quick pee sessions. I'm bad at clips and strips, always mess around with them.

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago

    @ShadowWizard I've added another option for you to consider.

    – ErikE
    3 hours ago

    @ShadowWizard I've added another option for you to consider.

    – ErikE
    3 hours ago


    Would it work to take your phone out of your pocket before you even walk to the bathroom? For example, if you are at a desk or table, put your phone on the desk or table and then walk over to the bathroom. It will be where you left it when you return (provided someone else hasn't swiped it; I'm not sure if this is an issue at home or in school / work).

    share|improve this answer

    • Issue is only at work, and since the office has a door that can auto-lock when closed, I always take the phone in case the door get locked and I'm without keys.

      – Shadow Wizard
      10 hours ago

    • @ShadowWizard You can remember to take your phone with you but not your keys?

      – JAB
      6 hours ago

    • @JAB keys are cumbersome, lots of them together, very uncomfortable in pocket, and I leave only for couple of minutes, so I don't take them on purpose when there's someone in office. So in case I'm locked out, I can call someone inside to come and open. :)

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

    • 1

      @ShadowWizard Get a belt or external holder for your keys! Very useful unless the keys are sensitive enough to actually worry about someone taking them while inside wherever you work. You still have to deal with the noise they make, though. :(

      – JAB
      3 hours ago


    Would it work to take your phone out of your pocket before you even walk to the bathroom? For example, if you are at a desk or table, put your phone on the desk or table and then walk over to the bathroom. It will be where you left it when you return (provided someone else hasn't swiped it; I'm not sure if this is an issue at home or in school / work).

    share|improve this answer

    • Issue is only at work, and since the office has a door that can auto-lock when closed, I always take the phone in case the door get locked and I'm without keys.

      – Shadow Wizard
      10 hours ago

    • @ShadowWizard You can remember to take your phone with you but not your keys?

      – JAB
      6 hours ago

    • @JAB keys are cumbersome, lots of them together, very uncomfortable in pocket, and I leave only for couple of minutes, so I don't take them on purpose when there's someone in office. So in case I'm locked out, I can call someone inside to come and open. :)

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

    • 1

      @ShadowWizard Get a belt or external holder for your keys! Very useful unless the keys are sensitive enough to actually worry about someone taking them while inside wherever you work. You still have to deal with the noise they make, though. :(

      – JAB
      3 hours ago




    Would it work to take your phone out of your pocket before you even walk to the bathroom? For example, if you are at a desk or table, put your phone on the desk or table and then walk over to the bathroom. It will be where you left it when you return (provided someone else hasn't swiped it; I'm not sure if this is an issue at home or in school / work).

    share|improve this answer

    Would it work to take your phone out of your pocket before you even walk to the bathroom? For example, if you are at a desk or table, put your phone on the desk or table and then walk over to the bathroom. It will be where you left it when you return (provided someone else hasn't swiped it; I'm not sure if this is an issue at home or in school / work).

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered 11 hours ago




    • Issue is only at work, and since the office has a door that can auto-lock when closed, I always take the phone in case the door get locked and I'm without keys.

      – Shadow Wizard
      10 hours ago

    • @ShadowWizard You can remember to take your phone with you but not your keys?

      – JAB
      6 hours ago

    • @JAB keys are cumbersome, lots of them together, very uncomfortable in pocket, and I leave only for couple of minutes, so I don't take them on purpose when there's someone in office. So in case I'm locked out, I can call someone inside to come and open. :)

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

    • 1

      @ShadowWizard Get a belt or external holder for your keys! Very useful unless the keys are sensitive enough to actually worry about someone taking them while inside wherever you work. You still have to deal with the noise they make, though. :(

      – JAB
      3 hours ago

    • Issue is only at work, and since the office has a door that can auto-lock when closed, I always take the phone in case the door get locked and I'm without keys.

      – Shadow Wizard
      10 hours ago

    • @ShadowWizard You can remember to take your phone with you but not your keys?

      – JAB
      6 hours ago

    • @JAB keys are cumbersome, lots of them together, very uncomfortable in pocket, and I leave only for couple of minutes, so I don't take them on purpose when there's someone in office. So in case I'm locked out, I can call someone inside to come and open. :)

      – Shadow Wizard
      3 hours ago

    • 1

      @ShadowWizard Get a belt or external holder for your keys! Very useful unless the keys are sensitive enough to actually worry about someone taking them while inside wherever you work. You still have to deal with the noise they make, though. :(

      – JAB
      3 hours ago

    Issue is only at work, and since the office has a door that can auto-lock when closed, I always take the phone in case the door get locked and I'm without keys.

    – Shadow Wizard
    10 hours ago

    Issue is only at work, and since the office has a door that can auto-lock when closed, I always take the phone in case the door get locked and I'm without keys.

    – Shadow Wizard
    10 hours ago

    @ShadowWizard You can remember to take your phone with you but not your keys?

    – JAB
    6 hours ago

    @ShadowWizard You can remember to take your phone with you but not your keys?

    – JAB
    6 hours ago

    @JAB keys are cumbersome, lots of them together, very uncomfortable in pocket, and I leave only for couple of minutes, so I don't take them on purpose when there's someone in office. So in case I'm locked out, I can call someone inside to come and open. :)

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago

    @JAB keys are cumbersome, lots of them together, very uncomfortable in pocket, and I leave only for couple of minutes, so I don't take them on purpose when there's someone in office. So in case I'm locked out, I can call someone inside to come and open. :)

    – Shadow Wizard
    3 hours ago



    @ShadowWizard Get a belt or external holder for your keys! Very useful unless the keys are sensitive enough to actually worry about someone taking them while inside wherever you work. You still have to deal with the noise they make, though. :(

    – JAB
    3 hours ago

    @ShadowWizard Get a belt or external holder for your keys! Very useful unless the keys are sensitive enough to actually worry about someone taking them while inside wherever you work. You still have to deal with the noise they make, though. :(

    – JAB
    3 hours ago


    I keep my phone in my front pocket, and don't remove it in the bathroom. Even when I sit. In this position it does not have a danger of falling into the toilet, nor will I forget it when I leave.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Tried it several times but the phone is too big for the front pocket, so it's not comfortable.

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • My phone has only a 5.5" display, so this isn't a big problem for me.

      – Michael Hampton
      7 hours ago

    • 4

      Transfer it to your front pocket just before you pull your pants down. You don't have to keep it there all the time.

      – chepner
      7 hours ago

    • @chepner that's an interesting idea. Thanks!

      – Shadow Wizard
      6 hours ago


    I keep my phone in my front pocket, and don't remove it in the bathroom. Even when I sit. In this position it does not have a danger of falling into the toilet, nor will I forget it when I leave.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Tried it several times but the phone is too big for the front pocket, so it's not comfortable.

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • My phone has only a 5.5" display, so this isn't a big problem for me.

      – Michael Hampton
      7 hours ago

    • 4

      Transfer it to your front pocket just before you pull your pants down. You don't have to keep it there all the time.

      – chepner
      7 hours ago

    • @chepner that's an interesting idea. Thanks!

      – Shadow Wizard
      6 hours ago




    I keep my phone in my front pocket, and don't remove it in the bathroom. Even when I sit. In this position it does not have a danger of falling into the toilet, nor will I forget it when I leave.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    I keep my phone in my front pocket, and don't remove it in the bathroom. Even when I sit. In this position it does not have a danger of falling into the toilet, nor will I forget it when I leave.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    answered 9 hours ago

    Michael HamptonMichael Hampton



    New contributor

    Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    New contributor

    Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    Michael Hampton is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Tried it several times but the phone is too big for the front pocket, so it's not comfortable.

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • My phone has only a 5.5" display, so this isn't a big problem for me.

      – Michael Hampton
      7 hours ago

    • 4

      Transfer it to your front pocket just before you pull your pants down. You don't have to keep it there all the time.

      – chepner
      7 hours ago

    • @chepner that's an interesting idea. Thanks!

      – Shadow Wizard
      6 hours ago

    • Tried it several times but the phone is too big for the front pocket, so it's not comfortable.

      – Shadow Wizard
      9 hours ago

    • My phone has only a 5.5" display, so this isn't a big problem for me.

      – Michael Hampton
      7 hours ago

    • 4

      Transfer it to your front pocket just before you pull your pants down. You don't have to keep it there all the time.

      – chepner
      7 hours ago

    • @chepner that's an interesting idea. Thanks!

      – Shadow Wizard
      6 hours ago

    Tried it several times but the phone is too big for the front pocket, so it's not comfortable.

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago

    Tried it several times but the phone is too big for the front pocket, so it's not comfortable.

    – Shadow Wizard
    9 hours ago

    My phone has only a 5.5" display, so this isn't a big problem for me.

    – Michael Hampton
    7 hours ago

    My phone has only a 5.5" display, so this isn't a big problem for me.

    – Michael Hampton
    7 hours ago



    Transfer it to your front pocket just before you pull your pants down. You don't have to keep it there all the time.

    – chepner
    7 hours ago

    Transfer it to your front pocket just before you pull your pants down. You don't have to keep it there all the time.

    – chepner
    7 hours ago

    @chepner that's an interesting idea. Thanks!

    – Shadow Wizard
    6 hours ago

    @chepner that's an interesting idea. Thanks!

    – Shadow Wizard
    6 hours ago


    When traveling, such as on a plane or train, I take my phone with me in case I have to wait for the bathroom. When I go into the bathroom I tuck the phone into my bra strap.

    Oh, you're not wearing a bra? Well perhaps you have a shirt pocket. Or you can put it under your arm if you're using both hands for whatever you're doing. Or hold it in one hand and only use the other hand. If you're sitting down and planning to do a lot of leaning and twisting, put the phone in your sock. Lots of options.

    Don't put it down on any surface in the bathroom. Germs aside, you can forget it, as you mentioned in the question.

    share|improve this answer


      When traveling, such as on a plane or train, I take my phone with me in case I have to wait for the bathroom. When I go into the bathroom I tuck the phone into my bra strap.

      Oh, you're not wearing a bra? Well perhaps you have a shirt pocket. Or you can put it under your arm if you're using both hands for whatever you're doing. Or hold it in one hand and only use the other hand. If you're sitting down and planning to do a lot of leaning and twisting, put the phone in your sock. Lots of options.

      Don't put it down on any surface in the bathroom. Germs aside, you can forget it, as you mentioned in the question.

      share|improve this answer




        When traveling, such as on a plane or train, I take my phone with me in case I have to wait for the bathroom. When I go into the bathroom I tuck the phone into my bra strap.

        Oh, you're not wearing a bra? Well perhaps you have a shirt pocket. Or you can put it under your arm if you're using both hands for whatever you're doing. Or hold it in one hand and only use the other hand. If you're sitting down and planning to do a lot of leaning and twisting, put the phone in your sock. Lots of options.

        Don't put it down on any surface in the bathroom. Germs aside, you can forget it, as you mentioned in the question.

        share|improve this answer

        When traveling, such as on a plane or train, I take my phone with me in case I have to wait for the bathroom. When I go into the bathroom I tuck the phone into my bra strap.

        Oh, you're not wearing a bra? Well perhaps you have a shirt pocket. Or you can put it under your arm if you're using both hands for whatever you're doing. Or hold it in one hand and only use the other hand. If you're sitting down and planning to do a lot of leaning and twisting, put the phone in your sock. Lots of options.

        Don't put it down on any surface in the bathroom. Germs aside, you can forget it, as you mentioned in the question.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 9 hours ago

        Kate GregoryKate Gregory




            I almost always have a shirt pocket to slip my phone in whilst visiting the loo. Alternatively, I just slip it into my pants pocket before I get up.

            If you just get into the habit of putting your phone in your purse, pocket, or wherever you took it from right before you begin the paperwork then won't have to worry about leaving it behind.

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            • No shirt pockets for me, usually so less relevant.

              – Shadow Wizard
              3 hours ago


            I almost always have a shirt pocket to slip my phone in whilst visiting the loo. Alternatively, I just slip it into my pants pocket before I get up.

            If you just get into the habit of putting your phone in your purse, pocket, or wherever you took it from right before you begin the paperwork then won't have to worry about leaving it behind.

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            • No shirt pockets for me, usually so less relevant.

              – Shadow Wizard
              3 hours ago




            I almost always have a shirt pocket to slip my phone in whilst visiting the loo. Alternatively, I just slip it into my pants pocket before I get up.

            If you just get into the habit of putting your phone in your purse, pocket, or wherever you took it from right before you begin the paperwork then won't have to worry about leaving it behind.

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            I almost always have a shirt pocket to slip my phone in whilst visiting the loo. Alternatively, I just slip it into my pants pocket before I get up.

            If you just get into the habit of putting your phone in your purse, pocket, or wherever you took it from right before you begin the paperwork then won't have to worry about leaving it behind.

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            answered 7 hours ago




            New contributor

            TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            New contributor

            TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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            TheWolfEmperor is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            • No shirt pockets for me, usually so less relevant.

              – Shadow Wizard
              3 hours ago

            • No shirt pockets for me, usually so less relevant.

              – Shadow Wizard
              3 hours ago

            No shirt pockets for me, usually so less relevant.

            – Shadow Wizard
            3 hours ago

            No shirt pockets for me, usually so less relevant.

            – Shadow Wizard
            3 hours ago


            Piss on the phone. The mild electric shock will remind you to pick up. Apparently Bruce Springsteen does this as he suffers from the same mental block

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            • 1

              Hi Derek, and welcome on Stackexchange! Here we expect users to make serious answers. As such, this answer is likely to get removed. Please take the Tour to get a better idea about how this site works.

              – Neinstein
              3 hours ago

            • Actually more than once pee found its way to the phone, and there was no electric shock. So, this answer is wrong.

              – Shadow Wizard
              3 hours ago


            Piss on the phone. The mild electric shock will remind you to pick up. Apparently Bruce Springsteen does this as he suffers from the same mental block

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            • 1

              Hi Derek, and welcome on Stackexchange! Here we expect users to make serious answers. As such, this answer is likely to get removed. Please take the Tour to get a better idea about how this site works.

              – Neinstein
              3 hours ago

            • Actually more than once pee found its way to the phone, and there was no electric shock. So, this answer is wrong.

              – Shadow Wizard
              3 hours ago




            Piss on the phone. The mild electric shock will remind you to pick up. Apparently Bruce Springsteen does this as he suffers from the same mental block

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            Piss on the phone. The mild electric shock will remind you to pick up. Apparently Bruce Springsteen does this as he suffers from the same mental block

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            answered 4 hours ago

            Derek JarmanDerek Jarman



            New contributor

            Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            New contributor

            Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            Derek Jarman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

            • 1

              Hi Derek, and welcome on Stackexchange! Here we expect users to make serious answers. As such, this answer is likely to get removed. Please take the Tour to get a better idea about how this site works.

              – Neinstein
              3 hours ago

            • Actually more than once pee found its way to the phone, and there was no electric shock. So, this answer is wrong.

              – Shadow Wizard
              3 hours ago

            • 1

              Hi Derek, and welcome on Stackexchange! Here we expect users to make serious answers. As such, this answer is likely to get removed. Please take the Tour to get a better idea about how this site works.

              – Neinstein
              3 hours ago

            • Actually more than once pee found its way to the phone, and there was no electric shock. So, this answer is wrong.

              – Shadow Wizard
              3 hours ago



            Hi Derek, and welcome on Stackexchange! Here we expect users to make serious answers. As such, this answer is likely to get removed. Please take the Tour to get a better idea about how this site works.

            – Neinstein
            3 hours ago

            Hi Derek, and welcome on Stackexchange! Here we expect users to make serious answers. As such, this answer is likely to get removed. Please take the Tour to get a better idea about how this site works.

            – Neinstein
            3 hours ago

            Actually more than once pee found its way to the phone, and there was no electric shock. So, this answer is wrong.

            – Shadow Wizard
            3 hours ago

            Actually more than once pee found its way to the phone, and there was no electric shock. So, this answer is wrong.

            – Shadow Wizard
            3 hours ago

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